Megan Watson
I’ve learned that I have the power to create food that not only nourishes the body but also makes people feel good. It’s more than just a job.

I went to school for film and initially took on various jobs, like a prep cook at a catering company, to earn a paycheck. It was in my late twenties that I ventured into this career. It was one of the few things I felt truly skilled at, giving me a profound sense of purpose.

In May 2020, I took a significant leap and started my own culinary business. Working as a party chef for a major catering company, I realized I had the skills and determination to run my own business. Later that month was the murder of George Floyd. The pandemic and his murder have had a significant impact on my life, revealing the harsh realities of the food industry and how it can drain the souls and spirits of its workers.

I realized the immense importance of a plate of food on people’s well-being and how being well-fed can lessen anxiety and stress. I found deep satisfaction in providing mutual aid through my food and connecting with wonderful people along the way. Today I am currently residing in San Diego and working at @emersonandnova

There are several aspects of the industry that I hope will change and evolve:

1. The end of culinary school being necessary or so highly regarded. Spending 50k-100k to then work for free, or minimum wage, is unsustainable.
2. The mindset that French food needs to cost $$$ and Chinese food is expected to be cheap. This disparity is rooted in racism.
3. The brigade system. It still exists
4. Fairtrade and the $$ being fairly dispersed between suppliers, farmers, and cooks.

What ingredient do you find overrated?


What ingredient do you think is underrated?

Chinese fermented black beans

What is your favorite kitchen tool?


What is your worst kitchen nightmare?

Being alone with no support