My name is Jodi Ann Bowen.
I’m from Jamaica, Montego Bay. I moved to the United States last year in April. I started cooking in Jamaica like 15 years ago.
As a young girl, my parents had a difficult time with me. I had my first child when I was 14 years old. Culinary is what got me out of trouble and rescued me. I enjoyed culinary, so I went to school for it, and from that day on, it’s become my life. I had no other choice than to find myself while cutting up vegetables.
The kitchen is a great place to destress, be with your team members, interact with them, and show your talent. You can disconnect from the outside world in a small kitchen space. The best part is when you cook for your guests, and they love it.
When I compare my experience working in Jamaica to Miami, the kitchens are similar, but the kitchens here in Miami are a bit easier. In Jamaica, the resorts are way bigger than here. I worked at a resort with 1400 homes, and we still accept cruise ships in Montego Bay, so when we have a busy period, it’s crazy busy. It’s different from Miami, where we only take reservations here. .money in Miami.
Working in the kitchen, we all gain lots of good and bad stories. When I first started as a prep cook, the chef, being more experienced than me, sent me for some steam. However, steam is something that comes from the pot, there is nothing for you to go and physically grab.
I didn’t realize it, so I went looking for the steam, and everybody was laughing at me! But you know now that I am experienced, I do what you all call “pranks” on others sometimes because the kitchen can be a fun place, and we love to have fun.