My name is Damiano Liso, and I’m an Italian baker. Baking is my life. Without it, I wouldn’t be happy anymore. I love experimenting and creating new combinations of bread and pizzas and being able to express myself through baking.

I started my journey at 11, watching my older brother work, but I learned to love and respect food by watching my mother cook for my family. I started my kitchen journey working in the family pub. At the time, I considered it a bad job, then slowly learned to love it. It made me understand the life of someone who works in the kitchen. In the process, I also learned you have to respect all the components of the kitchen: your colleagues, the equipment that are like family members to me, and above all, you have to respect the food!
When I was 20, I opened my business, going through many difficulties but mostly skepticism from everyone except my parents. But that’s okay. It’s crucial to always believe in what you do and don’t stop believing in yourself.

Currently, I am visiting the culinary cultures of other places. I have been to Sydney, and now I am in Volpaia, Tuscany. I’m so grateful to be able to do this now. I have learned that every moment is precious, even the ones in the kitchen with one’s colleagues.