I started cooking with my grandmother, who was undoubtedly my most significant influence. She was of Italian descent and taught me how to make fresh pasta, sauces, and bread and how to care for and season them. When I was a teenager, I had my first experience in a professional kitchen, and I was immediately drawn to the rush and energy of it. This experience inspired me to pursue a career as a chef.

At 18, I began studying gastronomy, and by 19, I had landed my first official job at a hotel. I started as a dishwasher at the Garden Hotel, and after just 15 days on the job, one of the cooks argued with the owner and left. I vividly remember the restaurant owner approaching me and saying, “Don’t you want to be a cook, kid? This is your chance; today, you’re going to the stove”. It felt like winning a prize. From that moment, I was promoted to cook, and within a year, I became the hotel’s chef.

Throughout my career, I worked as a consultant in various restaurants and eventually fulfilled my dream of opening my own business. Although I put in two years of hard work, unfortunately, the venture did not yield positive results. Despite being a great project, the location was not ideal. When this dream ended, I decided to pursue another dream – to work with @alexatala , my greatest inspiration in Brazilian gastronomy.

I left the countryside and moved to São Paulo. I joined the team as a trainee, and within ten days, I was offered a position in the kitchen at Dalva e Dito. Without hesitation, I accepted the opportunity and became part of the team. I excelled and was eventually promoted to starting chef at D.O.M.

Then, I received the opportunity to become the head chef at Dalva e Dito. This allowed me to realize another dream – to lead the kitchen at one of the restaurants owned by my greatest idol in gastronomy. I know I still have a long way to go and learn because we are constantly changing; gastronomy, like life, never stops; it transforms and renews itself. After ten years in the profession, I still feel like that little boy stuffing his Cappellini with his grandmother and transferring the love to those who receive it.

What is your favorite street food?

Cake and cane broth

Which restaurant or food stand do you recommend? (Different from yours) (Add its Instagram handle if possible)


What is your guilty pleasure?

Cold pizza with a cola for breakfast

What ingredient do you find overrated?


What ingredient do you think is underrated?


What is your favorite kitchen tool?

Chef’s knife

What is your worst kitchen nightmare?

Arriving for work and having no team