“I gained a lot of experience in the last restaurant I worked in. After working there for a long time, I felt I’d learned all I needed to, and despite having a such a strong connection to the place, I decided it was time to leave.

Sometimes, I think we limit ourselves by seeing only what’s around us. We forget that there’s a whole world out there to experiment, a world filled with culture.

I come from a mixed family: my mom and dad are Venezuelan. On my father’s side, my grandfather is Czech, and my grandmother is Italian. My mother’s side of the family has Italian roots.

I decided to take some time for myself and use the free time to open my mind and study new cultures, not just go on vacation.

I traveled to America because it’s said America is a country low in gastronomy culture. I headed to Savannah, one of the most African American cities in America, where I found different restaurants who willingly shared their fascinating culinary culture with me.

I believe we shouldn’t let ourselves get carried away by what the world says. We must form our own opinions and experiences so we can develop culturally.

My journey is to grow culturally so I can create, experiment, and bring plates to the table that not only taste great but are packed with culture.

Moving from kitchen to kitchen teaches you the mechanics of each new place, which varies, and you can learn and grow from each of them. If you’re young, my advice is to gain big experiences. Don’t stay in one place. You’ll see that after moving constantly for 5 years, you’ll have the opportunities to have everything you’ve always wanted.”