I’m originally from Caracas, Venezuela and I’ve been living in Miami for 8 years now. Ever since coming to Miami, I’ve only worked in restaurants. Before Miami, I lived in Orlando, California, and New York. I didn’t study culinary, but I did do a lot of workshops with different Chefs in Venezuela and here in Miami.

My career has always been tied to music. For a long time, I worked in Audio Production, and on the side, I had a catering company with my sister who was a Pastry Chef that we worked parallel to our jobs. I stayed with that catering company for 20 years!

When I came to live in Weston, I launched the same catering company and I worked it for another 10 years before returning to Venezuela. A return that lasted 4 years. During that time, I lost all the catering clientele.

I come from a family where everyone cooks, and I was surrounded by food all the time. Even before I started music, food played a big part of my life. When I arrived in the United States, I didn’t have any contacts in the audio production department, but I knew a lot of people in the kitchen. So, I dedicated myself to it. At the time, it was the profession that offered me the most money. Necessity was my initial reason for staying. The other was for the artistic part I discovered in the cold side of the kitchen. That side was more detail oriented, and it was the part I liked most because I could focus on the details, which was something I did while working in catering in Venezuela. Since I worked with small sweets, they required more attention to detail.

When I arrived here, I worked for many years at the Hilton Cabana, in the VIP section, and I learned a lot from excellent Chefs.

As to music, I haven’t left it. I’m always arranging at my house and back in Venezuela I have a piano, a flute, a guitar, etc. In the end, music became my hobby.