Growing up in Nicaragua, my mom’s restaurant was like my playground. She taught me how to cook traditional food like her mom taught her. For my mom, cooking wasn’t just about eating; it was about sharing love and our culture. The kitchen became my home when I came to the USA three years ago.

I was willing to start from the bottom, so I took a job washing dishes – being open to starting at the bottom opened doors for me. Now, I work as a prep cook during the day, learning new techniques from Spanish cusine. I still wash dishes at night, but it’s okay because I know I’m moving forward. Working with other chefs and learning from them is a fantastic opportunity.

I’m excited to share what I’ve learned with my community back in Nicaragua. I remember seeing tomatoes and other food go to waste back home. I’ve learned how to use all the food without wasting any creating amazing dishes. I want to return and teach my community how to do the same, using local food to make something special. Maybe I’ll even open a small restaurant – who knows? I’m excited to see what happens next.

  • Downtown Miami