Greg Laudner

Since childhood, I’ve been captivated by food, glued to the TV, watching culinary icons like Julia Child. By 16, I was already immersed in restaurant work, learning the ropes firsthand. At 18, I dove into culinary school in San Francisco, where the city’s diverse cuisine ignited my imagination. Armed with newfound knowledge, I ventured into respected kitchens. However, I discovered my true passion when I began traveling independently, exploring different global cuisines, and carving out my culinary path.

I’ve been living in Guatemala for 18 years, off and on, and It was during my time running a lodge in Lanquin that I met my wife. Following that, we relocated to Asia, where we found inspiration, spending four enriching years in Vietnam and Cambodia, where the seeds of my culinary venture began to sprout.

After stumbling upon Paredon, I’ve been here for eight years, running my restaurant for the past 5. Inspired by the laid-back vibe of Asia, I created @chef_in_flip_flops blending top-notch cuisine with a relaxed beach atmosphere.

Eight years ago, sourcing ingredients was a challenge with limited availability. Adapting, I craft our menu based on what’s on hand, ensuring we always have something delicious to serve. Logistics have improved, though, allowing flexibility with our menu. Yet, after 25 years, I’ve learned that a fixed menu must showcase dishes I love cooking. Collaboration with other colleagues can spark creativity, leading to unique and sometimes quirky creations. On Saturdays we feature Pablo’s special BBQ menu, adding zest to our offerings.

Exploring Guatemalan cuisine has been a journey. Though authentic dishes can be elusive, as a passionate “Gringo,” I’ve pondered if I can do them justice. Yet, recalling my success introducing Pho to Guatemala, I’m eager to experiment with traditional Guatemalan fare on our menu. I am excited to see how our customers embrace the flavors.

Interviewed & 📸 @christianguval HOTK Coastal Reporter 🌴