Saraj Mohamad

I pursued Hotel Management in India, torn between two paths in school: joining the Indian Army or pursuing a career as a chef. Unable to clear the Army exam, I embraced my second option, influenced by my father, a chef in the Army.

During my second year of graduation, I interned at The Leela Delhi Hotel. Despite exposure to various departments, my heart was set on the kitchen. The demanding hours, often spanning 12-15 hours a day, didn’t deter my passion. I’d even stay after my shift to immerse myself further.

Post-graduation in India, I ventured to the UAE for an internship in 2020, only to face the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, disrupting my plans. Undeterred, I sought employment and, remarkably, secured a position in RAS AL KHAIMAH during a time when job losses were rampant worldwide.

Starting my culinary journey in the pastry section of a small café, I transitioned to the hot kitchen after five months. After, I relocated to Dubai. Now, four years into this industry, I can’t envision myself anywhere else.

The kitchen’s adrenaline during service hours became the allure that captivated me. My mentors, colleagues, and the challenges of the kitchen have not only shaped me but continue to do so. In this dynamic environment, I’ve learned the art of maintaining composure amid chaos.

I In 2022, I participated in the Chef Poissonier of the Year competition, securing a spot among the top four contestants in the UAE. Despite years in the industry, I acknowledge there’s still much to learn. The kitchen has not only honed my culinary skills but also forged me into a mentally resilient individual, transitioning from a kid to a man.

What is your favorite street food?


Which restaurant or food stand do you recommend? (Different from yours) (Add its Instagram handle if possible)


What is your guilty pleasure?

Allo Paratha,an Indian stuffed paratha.

What ingredient do you find overrated?


What ingredient do you think is underrated?


What is your favorite kitchen tool?

Small offset spatula.

What is your worst kitchen nightmare?

During service if there is any kind of issue with the equipment.