HOTK Chef Interview New Let's get started 1. What is your full name? 2. What is your email address? 3. What is your Instagram handle? @ 4. Where were you born? 5. Where are you currently residing? 6. What's the instagram handle of the restaurant you are working at or your culinary project? @ Share your Journey 1. Looking back at your childhood, was there a specific moment or memory that sparked your interest in food or cooking? - Minimum 50 words 0 of 400 max words 2. Did you have another career or job before becoming a chef? How did those experiences influence your decision to pursue cooking? - Minimum 50 words 0 of 400 max words 3. Did you formally study culinary arts, or are you self-taught? How has your learning journey shaped your approach to cooking? - Minimum 50 words 0 of 400 max words 4. When did you first step into a restaurant kitchen? What was that experience like, and how did it shape your journey as a chef? - Minimum 50 words 0 of 400 max words 5. What were some of the early challenges or obstacles you faced when you started in the kitchen, and how did you overcome them?" - Minimum 50 words 0 of 400 max words 6. What keeps you inspired and how has that inspiration driven you throughout your professional journey? Especially during tough times in the kitchen? Minimum 50 words 0 of 400 max words 7. Can you recall a moment in the kitchen that marked you forever? Maybe it was an interaction with a mentor, a fellow cook, someone you fed, or a situation that challenged you in a way that shaped who you are today? - Minimum 50 words 0 of 400 max words 8. As a chef, how would you describe your philosophy in the kitchen, and how does it guide your approach to cooking and leadership? - Minimum 50 words 0 of 400 max words 9. Can you share a time when cooking or the camaraderie in the kitchen helped you through a tough period in your life? What made that experience meaningful? Minimum 50 words 0 of 400 max words 10. Reflecting on your career, what achievements or milestones are you most proud of, and what do they mean to you?- Minimum 50 words 0 of 400 max words 11. What aspects of restaurant culture do you love, and what parts do you find frustrating or problematic? Are there any changes you’re actively working toward or things you hope they change in the industry? Share the reasons behind them and how they align with your vision for a better culinary world? - Minimum 100 words 0 of 400 max words 12. What are your hopes for the future of the restaurant and food and beverage industry? What changes would you like to see, and how are you contributing to that change? Minimum 50 words 0 of 400 max words 13. If there’s anything we didn’t ask or if you feel we’re missing something about your personal and kitchen story, please share it here. Let 's Get Funky! 1. What’s the most unexpected ingredient you’ve ever worked with, and how did it change your perspective on cooking? 2. What’s your “guilty pleasure” meal? 3. A food trend that you hate and why? 4. What’s the craziest shift you’ve ever worked in the kitchen? 5. What happened, and how did you manage to get through it? 6. What tips would you give to other cooks and chefs to help them navigate their culinary careers and find peace amid the chaos of the kitchen? 7. What's an underrated ingredient and why? 8. What’s a must-try dish from your kitchen or the one you’re proudest to have prepared? About Your City! 1. If Anthony Bourdain or a chef came to your city (It could be your birthplace city or the one you are currently living in), what would be the perfect tour itinerary from breakfast to dinner? Consider food markets, pop-ups/food trucks, restaurants, bars, cultural events, and neighborhoods to stay at. -Minimum 50 words 0 of 400 max words 2. Recommended Places in your city: Food Markets Dish or food you must try Cultural Events Neighborhoods Popups Street Food/Food Trucks Restaurants Cafes Bars Hotel/Hostel 3. If there’s anything we didn’t ask or if you feel we’re missing something about your personal and kitchen story, please share it here. Almost Done! Thanks for taking the time. 1. Nominate a Colleagues that deserved to be interviewed 2. By answering this questionnaire, I am permitting Humans Of The Kitchen Team to use the photos I provided and my interview on all their digital and print platforms. I Agreed 3. Please upload 3 high-quality, full-color photos of yourself cooking in action. Check our page for reference on style and resolution—the photos must be the highest resolution possible. Accepted formats are JPG, JPEG, JPE, or PNG. Screenshots are not allowed. Note: We’ll handle editing the photos to black and white. Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 268.44MB 4. Please upload 3 high-quality, full-color photos of your food. The photos must be the highest resolution possible. Accepted formats are JPG, JPEG, JPE, or PNG. Screenshots are not allowed. Note: We’ll handle editing the photos to black and white. Drop a file here or click to upload Choose File Maximum file size: 268.44MB If you are human, leave this field blank. Next InstagramLocation